English Tutors - Halton


Best match results for english tutors in Halton + 5km.

    Sylvan Learning is rated as the best tutor service provider in Burlington. For over 40 years our certified teachers have helped students of all abilities, from JK to Grade 12, to achieve their academic potential. We offer Early Reading, Writing, English tutoring, Math tutoring, Science tutoring, High School homework support, STEM Club and Academic March Break and Summer Camps. We are known to be excellent at helping struggling students to catch up with our intensive, personalized teaching methodology... Read more

    Bright Minds is an international online learning centre. We provide private one-on-one lessons as well as small group classes which cater to student's academic needs. At Bright Minds Learning Centre we focus on supporting families and students who would like to expand or support their educational needs outside of the mainstream education system. We provide services for families with children between the ages of five to fifteen and we thrive upon empowering young children with the skills they need... Read more

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    Shaily Tutorials (Grade 1-12 Math, English, Science, Accounting, Economics). Shaily Tutorials ( Tutoring from grade 1-12 All Subjects ) Grade 1 12 Math, English, Science, French, Accounting, Economics Qualified Tutors Experienced Tutors Individualized teaching Small Groups No obligation or commitments Free Evaluation or Trial Shaily Tutorials is committed to students success. Try once and you will be proud of your decision. Convenient locations to serve you 26 Polstar Road,... Read more

    Looking for a place where your child can learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment? Look no further than Megamind Learning Centre! At Megamind Learning Centre, we offer a wide range of services to help your child develop essential skills and reach their full potential. Our experienced teachers are passionate about education and dedicated to providing the best possible learning experience for every child. Our programs include personalized tutoring, homework help, and exam preparation,... Read more

    At Sylvan Learning of Guelph, we offer FREE Academic Assessments in Language, Writing and Math. Each assessment is followed by a complimentary results consultation and a copy of the results to take home. We will customize a program specifically for your child, focusing on any skill gaps that may be present. We offer tutoring for Grades K-12 in every subject (math, reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, vocabulary, science, biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, functions, data management,... Read more

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